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How to Fix Batman: Arkham City - WINDOWS LIVE OFFLINE

How to Fix Batman: Arkham City - WINDOWS LIVE OFFLINE 

1 Install DirectX 9
2 Install Nvidia PhysX
3 Install "Game for Windows Live
4 Install "Batman Arkham City GOTY
5 After installing the game apply this Crack


Use all 1's will look like something like this 11111-11111-11111-11111.

Can't Save in Batman Arkham City Game of the Year and Games For Windows live not showing up. I'll show you how to fix Games for windows to save your games.
Steps: Do in order 
1 Uninstall your Game for Windows Live
2 Uninstall Batman Arkham City
3 Uninstall NvidiaPhysx
4 Delete your XLive
5 Delete your Save Game folder 
6 Restart your computer
7 Now Install DirectX 9
8 Install Nvidia PhysX
9- Now Install "Batman Arkham City GOTY
10- After installing the game apply this Crack
11 So now Install "Game for Windows Live
12 After install the Game for Windows Live Now you can start the game with BmLauncher.exe Config your settings and Play (don't start with BatmanAC.exe)
13 So now you can create a Local Profile in Game for Windows Live 
Virus Alert, Note Some might get a False Reading especially if your using AVG. All you have to do is 

Go to Tools, Advance setting, Then Go to Temporarily disable AVG(other anti virus), and you should be good 
Batman Arkham City Game of the Year

Window 8 Users, I dont have Window 8 but there are a few solutions. OR

To fix the LIVE popup problem, just copy the following files to "Windows\System32".
xlive.dll, xlive.dll (Security Catalogue), xlivefnt.dll, xliveinstall.dll, xliveinstallhost.exe.
The files are in: "Windows\SysWOW64.

Standard YouTube License


What is Circular Linked List

What is Circular Linked List ? What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Circular Linked List

In it the last node does not contain NULL pointer. Instead the last node contains a pointer that has the address of first node and thus points back to the first node.


1. If we are at a node, then we can go to any node. But in linear linked list it is not possible to go to previous node.
2. It saves time when we have to go to the first node from the last node. It can be done in single step because there is no need to traverse the in between nodes. But in double linked list, we will have to go through in between nodes.


1. It is not easy to reverse the linked list.
2. If proper care is not taken, then the problem of infinite loop can occur.
3. If we at a node and go back to the previous node, then we can not do it in single step. Instead we have to complete the entire circle by going through the in between nodes and then we will reach the required node. 

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